(Inspired by Western Russian Principalities and Eastern Principalities) with that the Vaegirs are the most diverse looking faction in the game, making it a more appealing faction.维基亚军队有混合的装备风格(估计不仅有罗斯风格)
Hand made battlefields to avoid nerve-breaking mountain battles.重制的战场地图,避免老版地图的陡坡.New shields, including heraldic bouche shields of 15th century knights.符合14/15世纪风格的盔甲/盾牌.All the armors have been replaced with mid 14th to 15th century armors.Most of the town scenes has been overhauled.Player can trade with merchant caravans 商队交易.Player can play dice with tavern keeper骰子游戏.Player can open or close their helmet visors.玩家可以开/关头盔面罩.